Sheila Nazarian, MD, MMM is IJWO’s Woman of the Year 2016
Dr. Sheila Nazarian, a leading female plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills, was recently honored by her community for her contributions and mentorship. Watch as she receives the award with her husband Beverly Hills neurosurgeon, Dr. Fardad Mobin (Mobin Neurosurgery) and their children. The awarding ceremony was held last March 29, 2016 at the Regent Beverly Wilshire Hotel in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles.
The Iranian Jewish Women’s Organization’s (IJWO) Woman of the Year is an annual event that honors extraordinary and inspirational Iranian Jewish women from a variety of fields, including medicine, business, education, music and politics. The award recognizes the challenges women face as individuals, as well as celebrate their accomplishments. To know more about IJWO, visit
Visit Nazarian Plastic Surgery at for more information on plastic surgery procedures and non-surgical cosmetic treatments. Follow Dr. Nazarian on social media: @DrSheilaNazarian on Instagram and @DoctorNazarian on Twitter and Snapchat.